Friday, January 7, 2011

Aretha Franklin's Health Is No Longer a Problem Add Comment

Franklin has spoken out about her recent health crisis, insisting "the problem has been resolved". The soul star was forced to pull out of a series of end-of-year shows in 2010 after falling ill, with many outlets reporting she had been diagnosed with deadly pancreatic cancer.

The 68 year old "R.E.S.P.E.C.T" singer is refusing to go into details about what was wrong - but insists she's fine now. She tells JET magazine, "I don't have to talk about my health with anybody other than my doctors (but) the problem has been resolved. I am not one to do a lot of talking about my personal health or business. There are a lot of people who will talk about anything, as long as there is somebody listening. That's not Aretha."

But the singer has revealed her problems started after she experienced a pain in her side during a concert in Toronto, Canada. She tells the publication her doctor advised her to have a CAT-scan.

Franklin adds, "Thank God he said that because that unfolded everything, what the problem was and everything. If there is anything happening with you that is uncommon and something that you know should not be happening, go to your doctor. Be determined to find out what is going on."

And she'll be forever grateful to friends and fans who wished her well as she was fighting to get well: "I want to thank my fans and friends and supporters who have prayed for me and sent me beautiful cards and flowers."

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